Grill a Mediterranean Pizza Pie

Taken from the new edition of the Griller’s Handbook (by Broil King), this recipe provides an excellent base for grilled pizza, with options to change toppings for your flavor preference:

Mediterranean Thin Crust Pizza


1 pizza crust (thin homemade or thin premade)

1 boneless chicken breast (pre-grilled)

200 grams feta cheese

Kalamata olives — remove pits

Sun dried tomato

Red onion

Fresh basil

Balsamic Vinaigrette

3 tablespoons olive oil

3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

Crushed chopped garlic to taste


Lightly oil pizza crust on both sides using olive oil.

Place chicken and vegetables on pizza dough as desired.

Sprinkle generously with crumbled feta cheese. Drizzle with balsamic vinaigrette, and sprinkle chopped fresh basil over pizza to taste.

Broil King recommends its Stone Grill Set, which is specially designed for pizza. Place it in the center of your barbecue’s cooking grids. Turn all burners to high and preheat grill to 400-600*F. Reduce temperature to medium/medium-high to maintain a temperature around 450*F.

Using a well-floured pizza peel, slide the uncooked pizza onto the pizza stone.

Check the pizza frequently — depending on thickness of crust, this will take between 8 and 20 minutes.

Pizza is ready when cheese has melted and bottom is browned. Remove from pizza stone with the wooden pizza peel.

Allow stone to cool completely before attempting to remove from grill.

More recipes and information can be found online at



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