Stop a Cold before It Starts

Stop A Cold Before It Starts

Cold season seems to kick into high gear when the temperatures drop, but this can be the year you don’t come down with a case of the sniffles! Cold prevention tips can increase your chances of making it to spring without losing any days or sleep to the common cold.

· Keep kids clean. School-aged kids tend to carry home lots of germs, so when kids get home after a long day at school, make sure they wash their hands thoroughly and change into fresh outfits. Such precautionary measures can keep colds and other illnesses from running rampant through your house.

· Go outdoors and get some fresh air. It’s a myth that cold air will bring on a cold. In reality, being outside instead of congregating indoors with other sick people may decrease your risk of getting a cold. Fresh air and exercise can be good for you.

· Drink plenty of fluids. Keeping your body hydrated will help flush toxins out of your body, strengthening your immune system and making it more capable of fending off colds.

· Keep your distance. Did you know the cold virus can be shot up to three feet away when someone sneezes? If you know someone is sick, stay as far away as possible and wash your hands frequently, paying special attention to your fingertips.

· Wipe down surfaces. The cold virus can live on surfaces for up to 24 hours. Use disinfecting wipes or warm, soapy water to clean off doorknobs, telephones, light switches, cabinet handles, and anything that is frequently touched around a home or business.

· Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.  Viruses are especially good at entering the body through the mucus membranes located in these areas of the body. A combination of frequent handwashing and avoiding touching your face can keep colds at bay.

· Maintain your exercise routine. Regular exercise can boost the body’s immune system and help it to fend off foreign invaders, including the cold virus.

· If you do get sick, play it smart. Rest and fuel your body with healthy foods and beverages.  Colds normally last between seven and 10 days. If your symptoms do not improve or if they seem to be worsening, visit your doctor.

What are your top tips for staying healthy? Leave your answer in our Comment Section below!

(This article contains excerpts from #HM151846)

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