Tag: safety tip

Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween can be an exciting time for kids and family to celebrate creativity and the changing of the seasons. Okay, and let’s not forget the candy!! When heading out to go trick-or-treating, there are a few simple safety tips that can make all the difference:

• Trick or treat as a family: Stay in a group and have small children accompanied by a responsible adult
• Plan your route: Planning ahead can help save time and confusion in case anyone would go missing
• Designate a meet-up spot: If someone gets separated from the group, everyone will be on the same page of where to meet up
• Reflective gear: Make sure you are visible – Carry a flashlight, glow stick and/or wear reflective patches on your costume/jacket.
• Candy check: Tell kids not to eat candy until they have let a responsible adult double-check. Look for any torn wrappers, opened packages and unfamiliar items.

For more helpful Halloween tips, visit the following recommended links: