Top 5 Home Improvements for Fall

Top 5 Home Improvement Tips for Fall

It’s not just springtime when we think about clearing out clutter and getting the house and yard back in order. Fall is often a great time for an overhaul or at-home refresh. With winter on the way, it’s important to be prepped for the elements, both indoors and out.Top 5 Fall Home Improvements

    Roof & Gutter

– Clear debris from your roof & gutter now before the leaves really start to fall! Leaves can clog gutters, leading to later issues and downed branches and debris on rooftops can also be hazardous during the upcoming winter months.

    Windows & Doors

– Check doors and windows for drafts. Cool breezes coming through unwanted cracks between doors and windows can lead to higher heating costs and more $ out of your pocket.

    Outdoor Furniture

– Clean patio furniture and store for the winter. Put away furniture now before it gets frost or rain damage from stormy Fall and Winter weather.

    Prep Lawn & Garden for Winter

– Rake leaves, pull weeds and add a rich bedding of compost and mulch to summer gardens. This allows nutrients to restore naturally and get ready for next year’s growing season.

    Prep Fireplace / Wood Stove

– Tackle it yourself or call a professional but maintaining your winter heat source is a must! Clean old soot and debris to prep for wintertime use.

Not only can you gain peace of mind, knowing you’re prepped for winter, you can also make some extra $ listing your extra gear in the local classifieds!


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