Tag: workout advice

At-Home Workout Tips

Did you know….?

Building a home gym can be a huge benefit to your workout routine! Don’t have time to go to the gym? No problem! There are a lot of at-home tips you can use to keep you on track to staying healthy for 2015!

*Lighting – Bright lighting, whether natural or artificial can lift spirits and get you energized and moving!

*Music – Get excited for a good sweat when you’ve got the right playlist! Workouts can be motivated by upbeat music and now there are plenty of pre-mixed playlists and ideas available online!

Check out some of these great links: athomeworkout

2015 Top Workout Songs (Shape Magazine) 

19 Best Workout Songs for 2015 (Fuse) 

100 Top Workout Songs (Fitness Magazine)

*De-clutter – Keep distractions down to a minimum. If you don’t have a dedicated space for working out, take 5 minutes prior to starting your workout to declutter your area so you’re mind won’t be distracted on cleaning while you’re trying to get your sweat on! (*Bonus points – while you’re clearing the clutter, try to use this time as a warm up and stretch and reach extra while cleaning!) water

*Water – 8 glasses a day! (*Minimum!) It may sound like a simple task but many of us don’t get enough! Keep water close at hand during tough workouts to make sure you’re not walking back and forth to the kitchen for a drink.

*Healthy snacks – You may want to refuel before or after your workout and it’s important to have healthy snacks easy to reach for when you need them. Plan ahead to make healthy choices and your waistline will show your rewards!

 The Franklin Shopper Classified Ads are a great place to find gently used workout equipment at a fraction of the original cost! $ave some money & get on track to a healthy 2015!

 Do you prefer to workout at home or at the gym? Leave your answer in our Comment section!