Tag: organization

Get Organized to Improve Productivity

Many working professionals aspire to be as productive as possible. In working environments where employees are forced to wear many hats, efficiency can help workers meet their deadlines and get tasks accomplished. Organization can help professionals keep track of their work assignments and stay on schedule. Staying organized does not come naturally to everyone, and those finding it difficult to juggle various assignments at once can try the following strategies to stay organized and increase their productivity.

Stop multitasking.

While it can seem counterintuitive for people with a lot on their plates to stop multitasking, researchers at the University of Utah found that performance suffers when people try to do more than one thing at a time. While researchers discovered that a small percentage of people they dubbed “supertaskers” were capable of multitasking without adversely affecting their performance, the vast majority of people should avoid trying to tackle more than one task at a time. Professionals can work on different projects throughout the day, but allot time for each project rather than trying to work on several at once.

Schedule each day.

Establishing a schedule and making it as accessible as possible is another way to stay organized and increase productivity. Professionals can make use of scheduling apps on their tablets or smartphones, even setting alerts so they do not forget about projects or meetings. Routinely check the schedule throughout the day, marking off tasks as they’re completed. • Cut back on time spent in meetings. A 2014 survey from AtTask conducted by Harris Poll reported that American workers at companies with 1,000 employees or more spend just 45 percent of their workdays tending to their primary job duties. Survey participants reported spending 40 percent of their time in meetings, tending to administrative tasks and dealing with interruptions. In lieu of in-person meetings, professionals can discuss projects via mass emails, which can be a much more efficient means to organizing and discussing a project than sitting in a room several times per week.

Take breaks throughout the workday.

Busy professionals may feel as though they don’t have time for breaks during a typical workday. But such breaks can benefit workers in ways they might be unaware. For example, the Association for Psychological Science notes that research has shown that building breaks into a workday helps professionals stay sharp and productive. And when workers take their breaks matters, too. Researchers at Baylor University discovered that mid-morning breaks were more beneficial than late afternoon breaks. Staying organized and increasing productivity at work go hand in hand. Professionals tasked with juggling multiple responsibilities can employ various strategies to be better organized and get more done in less time.

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How to Organize the Pantry

Since the advent of supermarkets and warehouse stores, many food shoppers have embraced buying in bulk. Buying in bulk can help shoppers save money and avoid last-minute trips to the grocery store in search of missing ingredients, but all those extra items also necessitate more careful pantry planning.

People already short on space may need to reorganize their pantries to make room for items purchased in bulk. Purging a pantry of expired items and developing an organizational strategy that works may take a little time. But once a system is in place, cooking and meal planning should become a lot easier.

1. Declutter

It’s difficult to get organized if you’re holding on to items you no longer use. Therefore, go through the pantry and find any expired foods and half-eaten items that have gravitated to the back of the cabinet or closet. After you go through everything, you will likely find that you have much more room than you once thought.

2. Empty the rest

Before placing items back in the pantry, take inventory of what you have. Getting them out in the open will enable you to see exactly what’s there and get an idea of what you purchase the most. This will help you set up food zones or purchase containers that will fit your pantry better. If you have unspoiled foods that you are unlikely eat, donate them to a food bank. Now that the pantry is empty, take this opportunity to clean and adjust the shelves.

3. Downsize from bulky packaging

Bulky packages may not fit in your pantry. Invest in plastic or glass containers with lids that will keep foods visible, neat and fresh.

4. Establish food zones

Establishing food zones is a great way to organize a pantry and make meal time more efficient. Group breakfast foods together and store pastas and sauces near each other. Use a basket for baking items, including smaller spices or things like baking powder that can get lost in large cabinets. Then all you have to do is reach in and find something easily.

5. Keep a running inventory

Routinely look in the pantry to determine what you need. This prevents overspending on items you already have and also ensures your pantry won’t grow cluttered with repeat items.

Organizing pantries may take a little time, but a little organization can open up a lot of space and make it easier to prepare meals each day.


Home Trends In 2016

Trends in home remodeling and decor tend to come and go. Something that is popular for a little while can fall out of favor when the next new idea comes along. New trends are always on the horizon, and 2016 may encourage homeowners to try something new.

· Metallics and metals are back. Although stainless steel accents in the kitchen have long been popular, the glistening look of metal and metallic shades are back in a big way. Inspired by the 1950s and 1970s, brass, gold and metallic finishes are popular right now.

· Texture: Texture is a big component of interior design. Furniture and accessories featuring faux fur and natural fibers are becoming popular. Pieces adorned with cozy materials can seem more inviting. Organic shapes, such as tables looking like the tree trunk they were cut from, also are expected to become more popular.

· Artisanal touches in accessories: It’s all about getting back to basics, with homeowners desiring pieces that are one-of-a-kind and handmade rather than mass-produced. Expect to see more accessories that are made by hand or in small batches, like pottery or handwoven textiles, as homeowners are increasingly turning to independent artists and artisans when decorating their homes. Homeowners can even support independent artists when choosing art for their homes. For example, YourArtGallery.com provides an online marketplace for artists to showcase and sell their work, and buyers looking to support independent artists can rest easy knowing that 90 percent of all image royalties go directly to the artist, a stark contrast to the roughly 50 percent offered by more traditional galleries.

· Fabric on the walls: Walls also will be covered in texture and pattern. Textiles will increasingly turn up on walls and in places they haven’t traditionally been seen. Patterns may lean toward floral, tropical and indigenous artisan weaving designs.

· Pinks and blues: Expect to see pale pink and blue in various design applications. The Pantone Color Institute® released a blending of two colors, Rose Quartz and Serenity, as their 2016 Color of the Year. This has impacted color trends through all areas of design – including home touches. These colors pair well with mid-tones, like browns and greens, as well as the increasingly popular metallics.

· Smart homes: Technology is changing the way people look at their homes. Water-resistant music systems for the bathroom, wirelessly operated Bluetooth devices that turn on lights or appliances from a smartphone and even fixtures that use technology to self-clean are turning up more and more.

Home decor trends are always changing, adding new life to homes and keeping armchair interior decorators on their toes.


Top Organizing Tips

Tired of clutter? Can’t find what you need? Time to get organized! Getting organized can be simpler than it seems. Here is some top advice we found when it comes to getting back on track!

*Vacuum seal bulky items like winter sweaters and blankets during the summer to save space!

*Declutter your countertop by adding hanging utensil containers from the kitchen wall & magnet spice holders on the fridge!

*Consider re-selling or donating gently used items to a local charity

*Tackle the junk drawer! Use a silverware holder to organize miscellaneous items.

Ways to Save Money In the New Year

Get Started on Spring Cleaning

Warmer temperatures and longer hours of sunlight can recharge energy levels. Upon the arrival of spring, homeowners dust off their to-do lists and charge ahead with renewed vigor.

But before homeowners can get started on renovation projects, many must tame the existing mess that may have built up over the winter. Spring is a great time to dive into spring cleaning projects and ready a home for a season of renovation and remodeling.

Getting started on spring cleaning can be a tad overwhelming. In 2012, OnePoll asked 1,000 adults living in the United Kingdom how they felt about spring cleaning, and 41 percent of those surveyed found spring cleaning a daunting process while 68 percent had negative feelings about spring cleaning. But in spite of that initial lack of enthusiasm, respondents said they felt happy and more organized once they finished their spring cleaning. Establishing a plan and setting reachable goals can make spring cleaning a lot less daunting.

towels· Set aside several days for spring cleaning. A long weekend is a great time to do some spring cleaning, as having consecutive days to clean will reduce the chances you grow distracted.

· Make a list and purchase all of the supplies you will need. Again, this will help you stay on course, rather than going out to the store to pick up cleaners or organizational systems.

· Try to set reasonable goals. Even if you hope to clean the entire house, stick to the one or two rooms that are most desperate for your attention. Divide each task into a series of steps so when you complete each step you will feel proud that you’re making progress.

· Create your musical playlist. A playlist full of your favorite songs can provide some inspiration and energy to push you through the spring cleaning when your enthusiasm starts to wane. The music also may take your mind off of the work ahead and help to pass the time.vacuumm

· Start from the top and work downward. Follow a logical cleaning order. Begin by dusting away cobwebs and lighting fixtures. Clean light switches and walls. Empty closets and then restock them in a more organized fashion. Leave the furniture and flooring for last, as dirt and dust may accumulate on furniture and flooring as you clean other areas of the home.

· Be prepared to bid adieu to some of your stuff. Have a few trash bags at the ready. Reorganize items you won’t be keeping into separate piles, with one pile for items you plan to donate and another for those items you will discard. Donate what you can and promptly put the remainder of the items at the curb for pickup.

· Stay fed and hydratedCleaning can be physically and emotionally exhausting. Take breaks to fuel up on food and always have a refreshing beverage close by. SH152933

Fresh Finds – Organize & Clean

Our Fresh Finds today features local businesses and Franklin Shopper classifieds to help you organize, de-clutter and clean!

Getting rid of large items?  Call Nathan’s Dependable Service! *Local junk removal and coupon offer for Franklin Shopper readers!

Wanting to re-sell some of your old furniture, antiques, yard and home goods – just about anything goes! List your classified ad in the Franklin Shopper – special 3 wk. guaranteed listing, only $10!

Once the clutter is clear, call Good Life Cleaning Services for a full home or office refresh! *Franklin Shopper readers get 15% off first service + Free estimate!

Local Ads:


WALL UNIT, 4 -piece Broyhill sectional, 100-inches, oak with lots of space and shelving. Showpiece in good condition. $165 717-352-4551.

WOODEN COMPUTER DESK , fits nicely into small spaces,75-1/4″Hx30″Wx22″D, has upper & lower cabinets, $120 717-401-0330.

USED WOODEN MAGAZINE rack. $25.00 717-372-1840

Get Organized – How to De-Clutter

Spring cleaning is not just for spring! Summer, fall & winter – no matter what time of year, an organizational over-haul can have a huge uplifting advantage on your life! A quick refresh of your home, office or outdoor space can not only be a stress-reliever, but you can also $ave by shopping smart or even consider re-selling unused items for a fun bonus!

Start simple – Dedicate 5-10 mins. a day to cleaning / de-cluttering & you’ll soon notice what a difference it makes! choose one item to donate / re-sell everyday, and in no time you’ll be back to an organized space with only items you actually use & love!

Let go of sentiment – While you may love reminiscing about your old high-school days, do you really need to keep all 15 fundraiser t-shirts?  Or maybe stuffed animals have been piling up to an uncontrollable mountain of fluff? That must-have gadget from Christmas already collecting dust? Consider re-selling or donating unused items.

Feel good about clearing out your space when you re-sell or donate your used items. Pick your price to re-sell, or list as free, and you’ll be sure to find a new home for your “clutter” in no time!

Spring / summer cleaning does not mean you have to get rid of everything, rather, try creative tips & tricks that can help organize your items so they will be more useful & easier to find than ever!

Use velcro tape to stick tv remotes to the side of your tv! You’ll never be searching the living room again!

Mason jars can be helpful holders for pantry staples, craft supplies or even screws & nails! Try this tutorial to make your own Mason Jar Organizer (featured on the DIY Playbook).

Use a wall-mounted coat rack to display necklaces & scarves! Instant organization & wall decor as well!

Do you have an organizing tip to share? Leave your advice in the Comment section below!